Miyar, Rancher of the Deadly Egg

Untamed Star Alliance Geistoid Score
Earthbind Jackpot Greene Cursed Tomb 112
Stampede Badge of Unity Thoughtcatcher Creatures
Came Back Wrong Event Horizon Boo! 15
Halacor Near-Future Lens Boo!
Loyal Packmate Modular Exoskeleton Hallowed Eve Festival Actions
Rotfeast Perimeter Alarm Junk Restoration 15
Till the Earth Proton Siphon Reaver
Waste Not Quartermaster "Botty" Snippy Artifacts
Dew Faerie Scout Pete The Grim Reaper 2
Haunting Witch Scout Pete Touchstone
Regrowth Strength from Diversity Webstur Upgrades
AEmber Storm Unprepared Webstur 4
Values Untamed score Star Alliance score Geistoid score Meta Score Totals
Score 41 38 45 -12 Score
E 7 7 6 20 E
A 2 4 6 A
C 1 1 2 4 C
F 4 3 5 12 F
D 0 D
R 0 R
BoB 2 2 6 10 BoB
Scaling A 0 Scaling A
Wipes 0 Wipes
Cheats 0 Cheats

Meta Score Adjustments

No A in Untamed score: -2
No R score: -2
No Board Wipes score: -4
9+ F score: 2
Less than 6 C score: -4
No Scaling AEmber Control score: -2