Z score (not to be confused with the statistics term) started out as a card scoring system developed by Zarathustra, also known as Z. This system was designed to analyze the sum of card values of a KeyForge set and compare the overall strength of sets. Furthermore, it lets users analyze differences between house strengths within and across sets.
All scores are based on a purely competitive lens. Each card is rated from 0-6 and the rating greatly depends on whether the card leads to winning KeyForge games in the competitive meta. These scores were then weighted by their rarity to derive weighted average scores to assess the strength of houses and sets. This information can be found in the 'KF Card Analysis' sheet provided to Archons Corner Patreons. A few members of the community wanted to see if this data could be useful as a metric by deriving a deck score based on the sum of card values for any given deck. After some resistance at first, the data that was being yielded was surprisingly beneficial. And now we bring you Z Score on a broader scale.