Thuộc Hạ Chữa Lành Xã Hội

Brobnar Unfathomable Ekwidon Score
Might Makes Right Eldritch Synan Talent Scout 110
Rock-Hurling Giant Wrath or Ruin Bonded Auctioneer Creatures
Plummet Arcane Transmitter Bonded Auctioneer 22
Brikk Nastee Beam of Forgetting Pen Pal
Brikk Nastee Circlespeak Ravening Morphazoid Actions
Fiery Jark Circlespeak Shopping Spree 12
Heavyweight Morik Covetous Hema Uncommon Currency
Heavyweight Morik Echo Guardian Belligerent Guard Artifacts
Ornar Skullface Echoing Deathknell Estate Sale 2
Shock Herder Mnemoleech Historian Li-Darkin
Thunderdell Tangimangi Hoaxpitality Upgrades
Thunderdell Tendrils from Beyond Legerdemain 0
Values Brobnar score Unfathomable score Ekwidon score Meta Score Totals
Score 46 39 34 -9 Score
E 3 6 5 14 E
A 5 5 A
C 9 2 2 13 C
F 3 3 F
D 2 1 3 D
R 2 2 R
BoB 8 2 5 15 BoB
Scaling A 0 Scaling A
Wipes 0 Wipes
Cheats 1 1 Cheats

Meta Score Adjustments

No A in Brobnar score: -2
No A in Ekwidon score: -2
2+ R score: 1
No Board Wipes score: -4
1 to 5 F score: -2
10+ C score: 2
No Scaling AEmber Control score: -2