
Unfathomable Ekwidon Geistoid Score
Catch and Release Tachyon Manifold Call of Need 116
Eldritch Synan Outnegotiate Poltergeistoids Creatures
Thoughtswim Belligerent Guard Synchronizer 20
Circlespeak De-escalation Tribute Collector
Covetous Hema Estate Sale Memette Actions
Echoing Deathknell Estate Sale Winds of Death 13
Koriki Germinator Gemcoat Vendor Ancestral Timekeeper
Mnemoleech Legerdemain Chronometer Artifacts
Tangimangi Permanent Record Chronometer 2
Trawler Permanent Record Tick-Tock
Trawler Rumor-sower Tick-Tock Upgrades
Wikolia The Old Tinker Tick-Tock 1
Values Unfathomable score Ekwidon score Geistoid score Meta Score Totals
Score 41 43 34 -2 Score
E 3 7 2 12 E
A 7 4 1 12 A
C 2 2 1 5 C
F 3 8 11 F
D 1 1 2 D
R 0 R
BoB 4 3 4 11 BoB
Scaling A 0 Scaling A
Wipes 1 1 1 3 Wipes
Cheats 1 1 Cheats

Meta Score Adjustments

No R score: -2
2+ Board Wipes score: 2
9+ F score: 2
Less than 6 C score: -4
No Scaling AEmber Control score: -2
2+ Board Wipes in different houses score: 2