Ditton the Knowingly Artistic

Brobnar Ekwidon Geistoid Score
Awakened Titan Flea Market Synchronizer 115
Concussive Transfer Grisly Exchange Synchronizer Creatures
Rickety Cybergiant Grisly Exchange Return to Rubble 18
Blunderbore Forbidden Tome Singing Scythe
Cacophonous Riot Sandhopper Reaver Actions
Cacophonous Riot Sandhopper Ancestral Timekeeper 10
Headhunter De-escalation Ancestral Timekeeper
Lash Out Historian Li-Darkin Chronometer Artifacts
Memorialize the Fallen Incarnation Pod Chronometer 7
Mournful Barn-Burner Iron Heidy Chronometer
Ornar Skullface Permanent Record Tick-Tock Upgrades
Shock Herder The Old Tinker Tick-Tock 1
Values Brobnar score Ekwidon score Geistoid score Meta Score Totals
Score 43 38 30 4 Score
E 3 6 2 11 E
A 2 1 1 4 A
C 6 1 1 8 C
F 1 4 6 11 F
D 1 1 2 D
R 0 R
BoB 6 1 6 13 BoB
Scaling A 1 1 Scaling A
Wipes 1 1 2 Wipes
Cheats 0 Cheats

Meta Score Adjustments

No R score: -2
2+ Board Wipes score: 2
9+ F score: 2
2+ Board Wipes in different houses score: 2