Brownveil Riebou-Papon, Lord

Brobnar Mars Geistoid Score
Bonecrusher Psychic Haze Dark Memento 143
Burn the Stockpile Crop Circles Echofly Creatures
Sound the Horns Key Abduction Energy Vampirism 15
Berserker Slam Psychic Network Thoughtcatcher
Berserker Slam The Red Death Junk Restoration Actions
Berserker Slam Abduct-o-Matic Memette 17
Blunderbore Dr. Xyloxxzlphrex Memette
Blunderbore Plague Wind Reaver Artifacts
Memorialize the Fallen Scoop Up The Grim Reaper 3
Recklessness Terrible Teammates Touchstone
Soul Bomb U.F.O. Touchstone Upgrades
Thunderdell U.F.O. AElbia Stray 1
Values Brobnar score Mars score Geistoid score Meta Score Totals
Score 47 48 44 4 Score
E 6 6 5 17 E
A 7 3 4 14 A
C 3 4 2 9 C
F 2 4 8 14 F
D 1 1 2 D
R 0 R
BoB 3 2 5 10 BoB
Scaling A 1 1 Scaling A
Wipes 1 1 2 Wipes
Cheats 1 1 Cheats

Meta Score Adjustments

No R score: -2
2+ Board Wipes score: 2
9+ F score: 2
2+ Board Wipes in different houses score: 2