Rivière the Steely-Thewed

Brobnar Mars Geistoid Score
Ganger Chieftain The Body Snatchers Poltergeistoids 146
Brawling Grounds Blypyp Cursed Tomb Creatures
Returning Champion Crop Circles Phantasmal Visit 16
Crim Torchtooth Key Abduction Soul Vial
Sound the Horns The Red Death In Here Somewhere... Actions
Blunderbore Mars First Junk Restoration 16
Fiery Jark Mars First Memette
Lash Out Plague Wind Snippy Artifacts
Memorialize the Fallen Shrink-ray Technician Touchstone 4
Recklessness Target Yynxzdyl Webstur
Shock Herder Terrible Teammates AElbia Stray Upgrades
Soul Bomb U.F.O. AElbia Stray 0
Values Brobnar score Mars score Geistoid score Meta Score Totals
Score 50 44 46 6 Score
E 5 6 6 17 E
A 2 1 3 6 A
C 7 3 2 12 C
F 2 4 7 13 F
D 2 1 3 D
R 0 R
BoB 4 1 2 7 BoB
Scaling A 1 1 Scaling A
Wipes 1 1 2 Wipes
Cheats 1 1 Cheats

Meta Score Adjustments

No R score: -2
2+ Board Wipes score: 2
9+ F score: 2
10+ C score: 2
2+ Board Wipes in different houses score: 2