Quentsion, Spawn of Zazrusset

Brobnar Mars Ekwidon Score
Lifting Buddy Urxym the "Diplomat" Elenya the Charming 121
Raider of the Peaks Crop Circles Soul Exchange Creatures
Lash Out Distant Void Prober Estate Sale 20
Lash Out Dr. Xyloxxzlphrex Generous Offer
Lash Out Glyxl Proliferator Generous Offer Actions
Memorialize the Fallen Grabber Jammer Iron Heidy 15
Mournful Barn-Burner Grabber Jammer Rumor-sower
Mournful Barn-Burner Ironyx Rebel Rumor-sower Artifacts
Recklessness Plague Wind Security Detail 1
Recklessness Plague Wind Siphonapterian
Shock Herder Shrink-ray Technician Siphonapterian Upgrades
Soul Bomb U.F.O. Tutor Bin-Rillo 0
Values Brobnar score Mars score Ekwidon score Meta Score Totals
Score 42 45 30 4 Score
E 6 3 6 15 E
A 1 4 3 8 A
C 6 4 3 13 C
F 2 2 1 5 F
D 2 2 D
R 0 R
BoB 4 3 6 13 BoB
Scaling A 1 1 Scaling A
Wipes 1 3 4 Wipes
Cheats 0 Cheats

Meta Score Adjustments

No R score: -2
2+ Board Wipes score: 2
10+ C score: 2
2+ Board Wipes in different houses score: 2