Villanueva, the Magus of Maxpolu

Mars Unfathomable Geistoid Score
Extinction Bottomless Depths Junkyard Cemetery 124
Hypnotic Command Rustmiser Thoughtcatcher Creatures
Psychic Haze Gatewatcher Be Our Geist 15
Nameless Horror Hukaru Icefin Boo!
Braindart Thoughtswim Hallowed Eve Festival Actions
Don't Believe Your Eyes Wrath or Ruin Haunted House 16
Dr. Xyloxxzlphrex Call of the Void Junk Restoration
Dr. Xyloxxzlphrex Call of the Void Reaver Artifacts
Grabber Jammer Circlespeak Reaver 4
Phloxem Spewer Crushing Deep Winds of Death
Target Yynxzdyl Immersioneer Winds of Death Upgrades
U.F.O. Mnemoleech AElbia Stray 1
Values Mars score Unfathomable score Geistoid score Meta Score Totals
Score 44 28 54 -2 Score
E 4 6 6 16 E
A 4 3 5 12 A
C 3 2 2 7 C
F 2 6 8 F
D 1 1 D
R 0 R
BoB 1 2 4 7 BoB
Scaling A 0 Scaling A
Wipes 2 2 Wipes
Cheats 0 Cheats

Meta Score Adjustments

No R score: -2
2+ Board Wipes score: 2
No Scaling AEmber Control score: -2