
Brobnar Star Alliance Geistoid Score
Final Refrain Hold the Line Island of Misfit Toys 133
Burn the Stockpile Missile Officer Myers Junkyard Cemetery Creatures
Crim Torchtooth Camaraderie Boiler 18
Raider of the Peaks Corporal Bridger Return to Rubble
Raider of the Peaks Chief Engineer Walls Ecto-Charge Actions
Sound the Horns Com. Officer Palik Haunted House 14
The Warchest Com. Officer Palik In Here Somewhere...
Blunderbore Lieutenant Halasta Junk Restoration Artifacts
Brikk Nastee Lieutenant Halasta Junk Restoration 4
Cacophonous Riot Perimeter Alarm Memette
Fiery Jark Rogue Operation Reaver Upgrades
Ornar Skullface Scout Pete Winds of Death 0
Values Brobnar score Star Alliance score Geistoid score Meta Score Totals
Score 40 37 56 Score
E 4 6 5 15 E
A 2 3 1 6 A
C 5 2 3 10 C
F 1 3 7 11 F
D 0 D
R 0 R
BoB 6 2 2 10 BoB
Scaling A 0 Scaling A
Wipes 2 2 Wipes
Cheats 1 1 Cheats

Meta Score Adjustments

No R score: -2
2+ Board Wipes score: 2
9+ F score: 2
No Scaling AEmber Control score: -2