Emir J. Ellmedes

Alpha Score: B
Brobnar Ekwidon Geistoid Score
Crim Torchtooth Art Project Curse of Forgetfulness 145
Fight to the End Skreel Swarm Protective Playmate Creatures
Sound the Horns Market Fluctuation Phantasmal Visit 16
Berserker Slam Outnegotiate Spontaneous Awakening
Blunderbore Pen Pal Tangler Actions
Blunderbore Pull Up Stakes Hallowed Eve Festival 19
Brikk Nastee De-escalation In Here Somewhere...
Fiery Jark De-escalation In Here Somewhere... Artifacts
Heavyweight Morik Iron Heidy Memette 1
Heavyweight Morik Permanent Record Touchstone
Memorialize the Fallen Permanent Record Winds of Death Upgrades
Ornar Skullface The Old Tinker AElbia Stray 0
Values Brobnar score Ekwidon score Geistoid score Meta Score Totals
Score 48 46 44 7 Score
E 4 7 4 15 E
A 4 4 2 10 A
C 6 2 3 11 C
F 1 2 5 8 F
D 2 1 3 D
R 1 1 R
BoB 7 2 2 11 BoB
Scaling A 1 1 2 Scaling A
Wipes 2 1 3 Wipes
Cheats 0 Cheats

Meta Score Adjustments

2+ Board Wipes score: 2
10+ C score: 2
2+ Scaling AEmber Control score: 1
2+ Board Wipes in different houses score: 2